Déjà Vu : Re-Experiencing Unexperienced


Have you ever heard about Déjà Vu? If not heard, at least you would have experienced it once. In this article, we are going to explore some amazing facts about  Déjà Vu. We are also going to see a weird case study where an unknown British young man suffered from never ending Déjà Vu.



Déjà Vu is a feeling experienced by a person that one has lived that present situation before. This word is taken from French and it means “already seen”. It is a very common psychological phenomenon experienced by a lot of people. According to a study in the year 2003, it was found that 70% of people are experiencing it.


Why do we experience this?

Human Mind is huge and has many compartments and most of these compartments are still unexplored. Whatever we perceived either consciously / unconsciously remains in our subconscious mind. Most of the time we ignore some things captured by our eyes. But, that information is stored permanently without our consciousness.

The same applies to our 5 senses that are touch, taste, smell, sound and vision. Whatever we touch, see, smell, taste and hear is recorded and stored in our mind and a large part of it is unconscious. With so much information stored in it, our minds can create a scene out of that information. If you are attracted to anything, your mind creates an illusion that this has been experienced already, therefore, creating confusion in the mind.

So according to researchers and many spiritual leaders like Sadhguru, 98% percent of the cases, Déjà Vu is a psychological process, and the remaining 2% might be true, but we have to consider it as a part of that 98%  because if we start believing it, everything will be visible in the same frame thus making things off control.

Many scientists and researchers believe that, if someone is experiencing Déjà Vu regularly, then their brain is indicating or alerting us about something which we are ignoring. If you’re wondering what your brain is trying to tell you, though, this is what déjà vu might communicate.


  1. You are not paying attention

The theory of split perception suggests déjà vu happens when you see something two different times. The first time you see something, you might take it in out of the corner of your eye or while distracted. Your brain can begin forming a memory of what you see even with the limited amount of information you get from a brief, incomplete glance. So, you might take in more than you realize. If your first view of something, like the view from a hillside, didn’t involve your complete attention, you might believe you’re seeing it for the first time.


  1. The Experience happened

Sometimes, déjà vu experienced might not be déjà vu. It might be the feeling of familiarity could be happening because of the similar experience in the past but simply don’t remember it. But since the brain(conscious mind) doesn’t remember so we name it Déjà vu.


  1. You have a “Dominant Eye”

While we think about the pair of eyes which we use to see the physical world. Every person has a dominant eye which can be activated by yoga. This dominant eye helps the person to connect his/her mind with the spiritual world and attain spirituality. This dominant eye could contribute to feelings of déjà vu. If that stronger eye focus and registers the information before the physical eyes, the brain tells us that, ” I’ve seen that before. ” Although the experience was just nanoseconds ago.


A weird case study

   The Man who experienced never-ending Déjà Vu

One of the most bizarre cases of Déjà Vu cases ever recorded was of a British young man who was trapped in an eternal time loop. This person experienced never-ending déjà vu and his condition reached a stage when he avoided watching television, listening to the radio, and reading newspapers because he felt he had “encountered it all before”.

This case was studied by Dr. Chris Moulin, a cognitive neuropsychologist at the University of Bourgogne. The case of the unnamed British young man who experienced never-ending déjà vu for the last eight years of his life intrigued scientists. Never before had anyone heard of a similar case. What could cause a person to be trapped in an eternal time loop?

Doctors from the UK, France, and Canada examined the man who was 23-year-old at the time. He first experienced the sensation in 2007, shortly after he started university. It soon became clear that the man did not exhibit any of the other neurological conditions usually associated with those who suffer from déjà vu.

The above case study has been taken from BBC News.


   5 interesting facts about Déjà Vu :

1. Déjà Vu most often occurs during stress or extreme fatigue.

2. The occurrence of déjà vu decreases with age.

3. People of higher socio-economic status are more likely to experience déjà vu.

4. Some people who experience déjà vu say the experience resembles a prior dream.

5. People who travel frequently experience Déjà Vu more than those who don’t travel.



Even after, having so many case studies, no case has a perfect explanation about the process due to lack evidences. Researchers still have to learn much about Déjà Vu. The limited number of evidences done on subject suffer from biased opinions and few fake claims about this phenomenon. Finally, according to the studies available déjà vu is a psychological process with certain events, different theories and no perfect shreds of evidence to prove any theory explaining this process. 

Please share your views after reading the article. Thanks for reading.


 Written by: D.Vamsidhar,Content Writer


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