
SPACE!! This word is definitely not new to anyone. At least, once in your lifetime you might have come across this word which gives goosebumps to space lovers and space geeks. 

Welcome to the SPACE SERIES....... 

Whenever we talk about space, there are few questions that pop inside our brain. Is there any life outside the earth? What's above the black night sky? Do aliens exist? How much did we explore the outer space? and many such questions rise in our mind.

Let's explore and try to answer these questions one after the other. 

Firstly, what does exist out of the earth? As far as modern science concern, we live on a planet that is part of the solar system and similarly, the solar system is part of a galaxy - The Milky Way galaxy which is apparently true, as our human civilization and evolution due to our curiosity has lead us to discover the outer space without even leaving our planet, through space telescopes. The famous Hubble Telescope has given enough evidences over the years that how does world outside our reach look like. 

Many countries involved themselves into this interesting field of space research and have been working at their own speed. 

5 interesting facts about the Solar System....

1. VOYAGER 1 spacecraft launched in 1977, is the first human made object to enter the interstellar space after 3 decades of its launch that is in the year 2012.

2. In general, we read that all the planets rotate sideways either from east to west or vice-versa. But, there's a planet in our solar system that axis orientation tilted 90 degrees and rotated around its axis from north to south.

3. Water was once considered to be the rarest substance in the universe, but it is not true they are present all over the universe and are the common component for comets and asteroids.

4. It is not only Earth which is tectonically active and witnessing the moving of land masses at a different speed, but Mercury is also experiencing the same activeness and has been shrinking and getting denser with the time. This was first witnessed by the MESSENGER spacecraft or Mercury Surface, Space, Environment, Geochemistry and Ranger spacecraft's orbital mission to mercury.

5. Parker Solar Probe is the human made object which has been launched to make observations of the outer corona(Outermost layer of the star's atmosphere) of the sun.

It is estimated to reach the corona by 2025.

Conclusion :

Exploring space is a very big task which can't be done in one day it takes a lifetime to understand the universe how it works and what is it. To be honest, we haven't even explored The Solar System properly we are yet to answer lots of questions. Thanks for reading. 

To be continued ....

Written by : D.Vamsidhar , Content Writer


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